Funky Fairytales and Mixed Up Myths
Grades 3 - 5
Saturdays, September 21 - November 9
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Silver Spring Education Center
925 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910 | Round House Theatre
Silver Spring Education Center
925 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Have you ever wanted to change the ending of a favorite fairytale? Or rethink a myth? Maybe the Big Bad Wolf should be the hero, or Cinderella doesn't lose a shoe? The possibilities are endless! In this class, students explore play creation and theatrical storytelling by reinventing and mashing up their favorite fairy tales using acting, movement, and design. Students work as an ensemble to create their own adventures by taking control of characters and re-imagining them in new circumstances. This class concludes with a sharing for families.
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